Saturday, September 13, 2014

Tips to maintain your hearing

Tips to maintain your hearing health hearing to rely largely on the knowledge of the extent of the severity of the votes which we are exposed. Therefore, you can follow a special system to deal with the noise that protects the hearing of problems in the future. Most cases of deafness (about four of every five cases) because of damage to the cells, capillary minute in the inner ear; This may be the damage caused by exposure to a lot of noise, which is permanent damage. The hearing loss associated with noise from injuries is usually curable. It is essential that we take all necessary steps to prevent the damage caused by noise; Avoiding this noise is the basis for the safety of hearing. Whenever bellow, I told them how long it listens to this voice safely; The mere fact that the sound is annoying does not make it safe. It is known that, accompanied by the noise of professions, such as working in factories or in the construction of roads, is the most common cause of hearing problems. But the emphasis on applied health and safety rules, and declining heavy industries, downplayed the severity of the potential danger practiced by the work environment at the hearing. At present, it has become a high noise issued Entertainment is a major problem, especially for recording devices and Mchgladtha modern, bustling and clubs, and jazz. It is believed that this is the reason for the loss or hearing loss, which affects young people increasingly. How can he know that the person is exposed to a lot of noise? Hearing may decrease slightly after exposure to loud noise for too long, Kaelloukov close to throwing those speeches in clubs, for example; or can hurt the gift of hearing after a short blasts of sound, Kaltalqat or fireworks. If a person works in places where noisy or spend more of his time, or if he was listening to a lot of loud music, it is probably infected with a lack of hearing even without that Edra.olzlk, is the best way to avoid the incidence of hearing loss, caused by noise, is to stay away from high noise as much as possible. Tips to listen safe to use ear plugs. The louder the noise and the long-time exposure, the greater the likelihood of damage in the sense of hearing. Therefore, you must protect the ears using ear protectors - earplugs or cover the ears - and get away from the noise as soon or as much as possible. Mitigate sound player recording device to talk, and do not listen to this device highly Sounds very high, and not to resort never to fill the surrounding medium noise sharp; When not relaxes a person to hear the sound that you listen to him, or that he is not able to hear external sounds when you put the headset on ears, it means that the sound is too high. The use of devices that contain a feature volume control and use it wisely. Putting on headphones. When listening to the audio player of the person, it must choose the type of headphones which eliminates noise, use headphones or quality of an old fur clad. These headphones to block noise in the surrounding medium, and allow to control the volume. For headphones that resemble the bud and speakers that are placed inside the ear, are less effective in blocking noise prevailing in the middle of the ocean. Therefore, you must disarm these headphones at intervals, so as to give the ears a rest. Ease phone ringtone. Reducing the volume of the sound on your TV and radio through the notch on the device, even a slight decrease in the volume can make a big difference in the risk of damage to the hearing; When one needs to raise his voice above the sound when you talk, then you must dilute it sound . Use ear plugs when auscultation to voice neighborhood. These plugs can reduce sound levels medium and these clogs are available on a large scale in many places. Lack of patience on the noise in the workplace; When a person suffers from noise in the workplace, it should inform the Department of Human Resources or the manager, and asked advice on reducing noise and get a hearing protectors. Wear ear protectors (earplugs or earmuffs), if a person uses a noisy electrical equipment, such as drilling rig or chainsaw or lawn mower. Caution inside the car. Listening to music in a limited place increases the risk of damage to hearing. Therefore, you should not listen to the sound very high for a very long time. Detoxification audio, and giving the ears time to rest after exposure to loud noise; According to the Institute of Deafness Research UK, a person needs to at least 16 hours of rest for the ears of the hospital after spending about two hours to listen to the voice of the reduction of rest time this increases the risk of permanent deafness. How much is the time you can listen to the loud voices? This depends on the severity of loudness person who listens to it in just a few Increasing decibel level have a significant impact on the seriousness of the damage hearing, that a slight decrease in the intensity of the sound makes a big difference for the length of the period of time which can be heard in it. There are regulations for the work of the laws and systems are used in the workplace to protect workers and control the noise, which stipulates that wear hearing protectors if the noise level of the workplace daily 

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